Development Perspectives’ Festive Multiplier Event: Unveiling Youth in Europe Opportunities

Devel­op­ment Per­spec­tives host­ed a Christ­mas Net­work event, pro­vid­ing a plat­form for indi­vid­u­als to show­case their upcom­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties in 2024. Dur­ing this fes­tive gath­er­ing, Devel­op­ment Per­spec­tives took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to unveil and share infor­ma­tion about Youth in Europe ini­tia­tives. Atten­dees were pre­sent­ed with insights into the upcom­ing Online Train­ing Course and a com­pre­hen­sive overview of the E‑book. This event aimed to fos­ter col­lab­o­ra­tion, spread aware­ness, and engage par­tic­i­pants in the excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties pre­sent­ed by the Youth in Europe project.