Development Perspectives Hosts Informative Webinar on Youth in Europe Project

In a recent lunchtime webi­nar, Devel­op­ment Per­spec­tives pre­sent­ed the Youth in Europe project, offer­ing insights into its work pack­ages, activ­i­ties, Eras­mus+ oppor­tu­ni­ties, and the impend­ing sur­vey as a part of Work Pack­age 3 (WP3). Fol­low­ing the pre­sen­ta­tion, a facil­i­tat­ed dis­cus­sion engaged par­tic­i­pants in shar­ing their per­spec­tives on the EU and the asso­ci­at­ed val­ues. The ses­sion con­clud­ed with the explo­ration of poten­tial next steps, encour­ag­ing par­tic­i­pants to delve deep­er into the Youth in Europe project and dis­cov­er addi­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties offered by Devel­op­ment Per­spec­tives.”