Empowering Youth: Engaging Stakeholder Meetings Shape ‘Youth in Europe’ Project

In a series of dynam­ic meet­ings, the “Youth in Europe” project took strides towards empow­er­ing youth by fos­ter­ing engage­ment and col­lab­o­ra­tion. The ini­tial gath­er­ing on Novem­ber 16, 2023, at Pri­ma­ry School Vjekoslav Kaleb in Tis­no, brought togeth­er stake­hold­ers from Friends of Europe Tis­no and Pri­ma­ry School Vjekoslav Kaleb. The focus was on build­ing a shared vision for the pro­jec­t’s objec­tives and activ­i­ties.

Con­tin­u­ing this col­lab­o­ra­tive spir­it, the sec­ond meet­ing on Novem­ber 20, 2023, at Pri­ma­ry School Murter­s­ki ško­ji in Murter involved stake­hold­ers from Friends of Europe Tis­no and Pri­ma­ry School Murter­s­ki ško­ji. Here, par­tic­i­pants engaged in open dis­cus­sions, shar­ing ideas, and align­ing on var­i­ous aspects, includ­ing project aims, activ­i­ties, and expect­ed results. The meet­ings pro­vid­ed a wel­com­ing plat­form for diverse per­spec­tives, ensur­ing that the project res­onates with and meets the needs of young active cit­i­zens.

These meet­ings sig­ni­fy cru­cial steps in cre­at­ing a project that is approach­able and inclu­sive, plac­ing empha­sis on the col­lec­tive effort to empow­er and engage the youth in Europe.