
Wel­come to the web­page of the project “Youth in Europe”.

It is a project co-found­ed by the Euro­pean Union, in the frame of the call “Euro­pean Youth Togeth­er”.

The main aim of the project is to raise aware­ness among youth lead­ers and young peo­ple on the impor­tance of edu­ca­tion on Euro­pean cit­i­zen­ship, with spe­cial empha­sis on the prin­ci­ples, val­ues and func­tion­ing of the Euro­pean Union, as a basis for demo­c­ra­t­ic con­struc­tion and active civic par­tic­i­pa­tion.

Click “What is it?” for more infor­ma­tion about it. Stay tuned!